Whew! Been a while since I've given an update on what's going on.
Not much actually. My parents went to Market last weekend so I had the house to myself for 36 hours. I worked the shop on Sunday from 9:30-4:00. On the way back Kelli called and invited me over to hang out. After doing dishes, making my dinner (meatloaf & a baked potato), taking the dog for a walk, being on the computer and eating my dinner I headed over. They were doing some cleaning so I kept her company and watched a movie ~ Resident Evil 2. After their living room and bedroom were clean Jamie wanted to play a video game. Growing up we never had one so he is much better than I am. (Kelli's had some experience since she moved out) I'm horrible. It was one of those shooting games and Jamie liked to follow me around, and one of the times I saw him and of course panicked. So I was throwing 2 kinds of granades, shooting, jumping, and running (or trying to) all at the same time. Naturally, it didn't work but he got a kick out of seeing me try!
The next day I did some spring cleaning. :-) Yes, I am a dork. Cleaning is one of my favorite things to do, there is just such a sense of satisfaction when it's all over with. So most of my day was spent doing that. Parents got back that evening and life has gone back to normal.
This Sunday is the big Easter dinner at my Grandparent's house. There's usually 17 of us, but this year my Auntie Jean and Jeff will be away somewhere south. The best parts of the dinner are: all of us sitting at one big table, the ham, and the cheesy potatoes. :D Yum.
Happy Easter!