Monday, May 23, 2011

First Day of Preschool!

Today was my first day of summer-homeschooling Isabelle. It was only for 1 1/2 hr., normally it'll be about 2 hours until she gets older and then it'll be longer days. When she got here she was a little confused since I think she was expecting that we would practice more..... traditional public school things. I told her we'll work on her letters later on (she's so ready to learn them) but today we would be out in the garden. We planted Violas, she got to choose where some of them went, and then she picked a whole bunch of Dandelions. I made them into a little crown for her, as you will see. She was quite pleased with it. :-) Then I got out our large magnifying glass and we looked at flowers, trees, and ants with it. Quote from Isabelle: "I love bugs!". That part of the day didn't turn out quite as I had imagined it because Jamie dropped her off, and never really left. Then Kelli brought Morgan over so thus ended the schooling part. They left a half hour early. She comes back on Wednesday and we'll be going to the library.

It was a beautiful day out, we were expecting the usual 55 cloudy, and instead it got humid, sunny for a bit, and 75. :D
New schedule is working out well, love getting everything done so much sooner. I feel so productive!
Got all my plants for the year, it's horridly expensive. Also, my quilt came back from the quilter. She did a wonderful, lovely job and it looks great. I should be going over to my Grandma's tomorrow and she's going to help me put on the binding.
What busy days these are.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Some pictures taken today

All righty. I don't really have enough time to do a full, long post, but I wanted to put up some pictures I took of my nieces today. It was gorgeous out there. They behaved most of the time, except at the very end when I got too tired to push both of them in the double stroller and had Isabelle get out. Being 4 she likes to pout over random stuff, this time it was just AWFUL that I helped her out of the stroller insead of her doing it by herself. Perish the thought! (do you detect a little sarcasm there?) So she was lagging behind with her lip hanging out, then Morgan saw her and wanted out too. By this time Isabelle decided to stop being cranky and wanted to help me push the stroller. Morgan wanted to as well. When she wasn't able to do so, she sat down on the sidewalk in disapointment. (during this time there are some older folks sitting on their porch watching us) I said "Morgan, come on let's keep moving". The kid didn't even look up. So I went over, picked her up, which she didn't want and was therefore in the "football hold", and helped Isabelle with the stroller with my freehand. Needless to say after we crossed the street they went back in the stroller. Anyhoo, here are some pictures:

Picture #1 ~ Isabelle with dandelions.

Picture #2 ~ Isabelle down by A. Bay, with an ore boat coming in. Very Minnesotan!

Picture #3 ~ Morgan with a rock that is about to be thrown in the water.

One more thing, you know that robin picture? Well, a few days ago one hatched! I saw mid-morning and decided that I would take more pictures the next day since I didn't want to disturb them too much. By then it was too late, some critter (we're thinking cat) had gotten in there and ate the chicks and every bit of eggshell. Seriously, there isn't even the smallest bit leftover. GRRR....

Monday, May 16, 2011

First Day

Greetings to all!
Today is my first day of the new schedule. I ended up staying up later than I wanted thinking about money matters (I have a list of things to purchase, everything from 2 Christmas gifts to a subscription to a magazine to plants) and it all costs around $150.00. But, as my Mom pointed out, Kelli owes me some babysitting money, I'll probably work a few days at the shop this summer, plus hopefully my booth will have some good sales. Anyways, back to the schedule. Because I stayed up until later I didn't wake until about 1/2 hour after I intended. But, I'm did stuff quickly this morning and am back on track. So, if I may brag, I've washed/put away dishes, dusted (oh, so hard don't ya know!!), cleaned my room and bathroom, did my first math lesson of the summer (got 3 wrong), and made bread. Currently I'm waiting for lunch to be done and decided to do my computer stuff since I hadn't earlier. In general, I'm pretty doggone happy with the way the day is going.
Mom's not feeling too good today; she has something similar to Trigeminal Neuralgia, which means that she has horrid facial pains. Seriously, you can't imagine what she's been through with that. Her meds work most of the time, but the pains goes up and down and it's currently on a down. But, she was able to go visit with a friend, which is what she's doing now.
Yesterday was the Lia Sophia jewelry party. There were 4 or 5 other ladies besides us and the hostess and rep., who is my sister. There was really good food. :-)
Other random news: I've started really liking a singer named Britt Nicole. If you follow christian music, you've probably heard of her. SUSIE magazine interviewed her a few issues back and she's pretty neat.
Have a lovely day!

Monday, May 9, 2011

A Very Good, Busy Day


I had a great day today. This morning I did a load of laundry, vacuumed, swept the entire house, did the bathroom/bedroom/downstairs general pickup, got some lunch, and did a little sewing. I also called a lady who does quilting and she will hopefully quilt my quilt. :-) Left a message and haven't heard back, but she does all my grandma's so I don't see why she wouldn't do mine.
My Mom left for D----- around 1:00 and I made some more banana bread. Turned out wonderful, as usual. (I'm sorry, does that sound like I'm bragging? It's just so easy to make I don't think it could be messed up.) Took the dog for a walk out in the rain, we both came back soaking wet. Then I called my sister back and dropped off a piece of B. bread and picked up a lemon load pan. Came back and started on the lemon loaf. I think (hope) it turned out. I followed all the directions so it ought to. Then I started on dinner, and was quite tired at this point. We're having BBQ'd chicken and baked potatoes. Easy and delicious. So, I made a horrid mess of the kitchen, but had a lot of fun. Oh, and I delt with 25 pounds of sugar.

Only 2 more pages left until I'm done with journal #7! teehee. It's become more of an impulse now.

Also, I have decided that I won't be going online in the mornings. It makes me a tired, lethargic, and I'm not even really creative enough to write an interesting post so what's the point? Plus then I'll have extra time to do chores and stuff. I'll be putting a new schedule into place soon, hopefully I'll be homeschooling Isabelle come fall and need to re-arrange my current schedule. It'll be interesting.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

A New Neighbor

Yesterday my Mom and Dad discovered that we have a robin family nesting underneath our deck. The picture is one I took earlier on today. It isn't the greatest angle, but it's in a very awkward place.

It was beautiful out, I spent a few hours out in my garden raking leaves and weeding. I was talking with my oldest niece, Isabelle (age almost 4) and she wants to plant Dandelions 'cause they're her favorite flower'. Maybe I can convince her that peas are better.

Later on I went for a walk with some friends, Tattie (pronounced Toddy), Micaiah, and Erica. We walked down to the breakwall, around downtown, and then back to their house. After a bit we all headed out to D.Q for some blizzards, got there just before closing. Stayed out until 9:45 I believe. All in all, a good day.

This afternoon was spent over at my sister's house helping out with the kids. She torked her neck & back and wasn't really able to move and when you have a 3 and 1 year old that's not such a good thing. Got her some meds and did some pick-up in the living room. Hung out until around 4 when she, Jamie (husband) and Morgan (1 year old child) went to the doctor to figure out what's what. I didn't get to hear the whole story, but there was mention of tendons......

Isabelle told me I have angel eyes.

Havin' sloppy joe's for dinner tonight. Kinda forgot to eat a proper lunch so I for one an good n' hungry.

*Thought for the day: It is not your circumstances that break you, but your circumstances that introduce you to your own brokeness.*

Monday, May 2, 2011

Some extra time and a black cake

I seem to have some extra time on my hands so why not write another post?

We're having our own little Easter dinner tonight. We were supposed to have it yesterday, but Mom and I weren't feeling well so it's today. Mom had a place she needed to go to, and gave me a little list on a piece of paper of things that I should do for the dinner while she's gone. She wrote it in large writing, and I told her I would keep the paper with me at all times. My head's been in the clouds the last couple weeks when it comes to remembering things like that. I used to be good at remembering things like putting of coffee, ect. but lately I haven't. Or, if I do remember, then something happens, like putting the coffee pot in the thing a little sideways so coffee grounds go all over. Twice. The last few times Dad just got it ready so all I have to do is flip a switch. Did I remember? No. Let's hope things go better this time.....

Well Osama Bin Laden is dead, front page news today. " Ezekiel 33:11- ..."I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked; I only want them to turn from their wicked ways so they can live" is my view on it.

Wrote back to my Grandma today, and got a letter from one of my penpals. :D Good day.

Few days ago I made a chocolate cake, the cake part turned out fine but the frosting is another story. I hadn't made the recipe before, and misunderstood the directions so that didn't turn out. And I also almost ruined a pot, that has never happened before. In trying to resurrect it we boiled it and it wasn't meant to get that hot. After that I made the "No Fail Chocolate Frosting" and sure enough, it didn't fail me. :-) The project turned out divine if I don't say so myself.